Monday, June 14, 2010

Of Innocence Lost and Found...

An evening trip to the local grocery store... brought back fond memories of my childhood....

Watched 2 little boys.. all of around 6 -7 years of age...come into the shop... and look around with hopeful eyes..for a particular packet of chips which has those small little toys inside them....

I had sudden flashes of how my brother and I used to rush into shops just like that and do the very same thing...

After around 5 minutes of looking around..arguing which one to buy..from the flavour to the colour of the packet... about how each one knew which is the better one to buy .. they finally agreed upon one particular packet and bought it!

Counting the coins they had.. which came up to an exact amount for that packet.. they proudly handed them over to the shopkeeper and looked thrilled with their purchase...

They could not hold their excitement back and opened the packet right then n there....and Lo! Behold! What an achievement! They jumped and danced and sang with sooo much happiness that people around looked as to what had happened... but all everyone could do was :) at their innocence....
They had got the same toy which they had anticipated.. and were thrilled to bits!!

Loved watching them .. as they cycled off into the alley near by...
Brought back such lovely memories... of Innocence lost....and now found!!! :):

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