Sunday, September 27, 2009

The dot dot dot series ;)

How many times in life have we said to ourselves or heard someone say to us - "when one door shuts .. many windows open" or then "whatever is happening is happening for a reason and a good one at that" or then "im sure there is something better which awaits you"...
Well yeah ive heard loads of that myself....
The phase is called...-the begining of the end- you can feel it...feel the end coming closer and closer...and then just even before u realise it..its over!
Then comes the analysing phase as to why it would it have been if it hadnt had use ...absoultely no use doing tht...its happened..u cant do much..u cant go back in time and undo it...u have to let go...
"Letting go"...that my friend is the name of the game..for some its as easy as changing clothes..for some its as tough as laundering those muck filled clothes....
Sometimes maybe its good not to let go too easily..sometimes the sooner the better...
How does one know which one is when?! i don't know.... :)
It ends with a period... a simple dot....but it just marks a start of something new.....
This i say with conviction and experience..for if I hadnt let go...i would have missed out on this...and this somehow seems very peaceful....:) more peaceful than wondering if i should let go or not...something that im loving and enjoying each moment of....:)
Yes it ended with a simple dot...., but definitely has marked the begining of something brand new ! :)

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