Thursday, March 8, 2012

Of different hues...

Holi Hai!! Rang Barse bhige chunar .....! Holi Hai!!! How many of us have not grown up on those numbers and our neighbourhoods screaming with glee every Holi?!:)

As children , my brother and I used to wake up at 7 am ! For some reason have a quick shower (although it was not needed as one would get filthy almost immediately anyway) and rushout in our olderst of clothes - which were kept ready the previous night - after much ado about whether it was old "enough" or not!

We were so many growing up kids in our neighbourhood that we made teams and had a holi-war ;)

The previous night used to be abuzz with our team mates filling water balloons , discovering and inventing different ways to "attack" our apponents ;) and then ofcourse burning the Holika was another experience altogether where we "burnt" our evil thoughts and gave birth to fresher and newer "holi" (holy) ones :) .. which was followed by dancing and singing...almost all night around the bonfire...

My brother and i were obviously in different teams and we couldnt contain the excitement about the fact that we hid secrets from eachother about our "weapons of distructions" ;) which were - balloons! eggs! buckets of water! hose pipes! and stuff like that !

Where have those days gone! :(
Where has childhood gone! :(
Why do words like "war" "weapons of destruction" , "burnt" have different meanings now? :(
Where has the spirit of neighbor hood gone? Everyone is busy playing the blame game and so easily forgotten the good ol' times! :(
Ahh! How i wish i could rewind time and recreate that kind of a "time" we had ! :)

For now , i'll keep happy with just memories and creating some new ones ! :)
Who knows what the future holds for us , our neighborhood, our country or even this world! :)

Holii Haiiiii!!! Happy Holi everyone!! :)

1 comment:

Ameya said...

Love, I am treating you to a holi-date :) stay ready for an evening out in the city ! :) And SMILE ! :)